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Did you know that in 1238, German- speaking nuns from noble families around Vienna settled here. They brought with them a rich inheritance which enabled them to buy estates. Wow, this is a huge church.

The church and the former Dominican convent, founded in 1238, is located on the edge of the village of Adergas. In the 15th century, the monastery was attacked and damaged by the Turks. It was rebuilt in the 18th century.

Listen to the story of Adergasa

Emperor Joseph II abolished the monastery in 1782. The paintings on the seven altars were created between 1771 and 1773 by the Austrian painter Johann Martin Kremser-Schmidt.

The most famous work of art in the church is the Romanesque pilgrimage statue of Mary with Jegug, which is the oldest surviving statue of Mary in Slovenia from around 1220. Since the Middle Ages, it’s been a tradition for the statue to be dressed in different clothes on various church festivals.

During the Second World War, the locals were warned that the German army intended to confiscate the paintings from the church. The message was passed on to them by the chaplain, who was German. The locals walled up the paintings and managed to save them. During the equinox, the sun’s rays fall on the statue of St Dominic in the morning.

During the Annunciation, in the spring on 25 th March, the sun shines through the east window on God the Father and the Holy Spirit.


On today's journey we have prepared a short quiz for you. Each question has three possible answers, of which only one is correct. Choose the correct answer.

The monastery was abolished by Emperor Joseph II, who was the son of:
Sisi (Elizabeth)
Maria Theresa
Mother Teresa



Adergas is the name of the:



The locals saved the paintings from the German army by:
burying them
selling them
walling them up



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