Hribar’s house – Hribar’s villa

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Ivan Hribar was the mayor of Ljubljana, who greatly contributed to the restoration of Ljubljana after the earthquake in 1895.

Listen to the story of Hribar's house

Hribar’s aim was to transform Ljubljana to a prestigious centre of all Slovene lands and create a cultural and economic capital for the Slovene people. During his time, the city municipality bought the Ljubljana Castle, the city got a public water supply system, the Union Hotel, street names got bilingual signs. The inscriptions in Slovene were even several times bigger than the German ones.

Hribar’s villa is located in the centre of Cerklje and is considered the most beautiful building in the city, built under the influence of Viennese Art Nouveau. A special feature of the house was its electrical overhead wiring, the first in Cerklje.

After World War I, the villa was converted into a post office, and in 1986 it became the property of Ljubljanska banka. Today, Hribar’s villa has the status of a cultural monument of national importance. It also houses Hribar’s memorial room.


Choose the correct answer.

Ivan Hribar was:
Slovene president
Mayor of Ljubljana
Slovene king



The village under mount Krvavec is:



Hribar's villa had the first electrical wiring in Cerklje:



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Hribar’s house – Hribar’s villa

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Many prominent men in such a small place, right? Well, there are more.

Let’s walk through the memorial park nearby. Come, follow me!